Snow outside our window on 15th January 2021 | Winter

2020, H will be 8 years old. We will be a few steps into our 50s.
There is an aim set for this 2020 in Europe. This YEAR, I read that the Gen X will reshape global politics. Internet will reach 5bil worldwide, today, it is 2.4bil, so it means it will doubled.

5G, Texting is by thinking, stem cells growing complex organ as replacements. Malaria will have a cure.
Longevity extension became more progressive. Ultra high Def TV of 4320p goes mainstream, Holographic TV
A Trans continental bridge between Africa and Middle East, what it will bring? HK with an expanded MTR
A car-free city in China

Fehmarn Belt Fixed Link, according to wikipedia, it is a bridge that is proposed to connect the German island of Fehmarn with the Danish island of Lolland. This would cross over the Fehmarn Belt in the Baltic Sea – 18 km (11 mi) wide – hence providing a direct link by railroad and highway between northern Germany and Lolland, and thence to the Danish island of Zealand. This route is known in German as the Vogelfluglinie and in Danish as theFugleflugtslinjen (literally, "bird flight line", meaning similar to the English term "as the crow flies").

UK, smart meters
No public smoking in US

Reduced mercury pollution

Ice free Glacier National Park

30,000 drones?

BepiColombo around Mercury
Lifelike CGI Video games, sounds fun!

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