
After dailyblogging for some time, like about a month, i realised sometimes i have some thoughts on my mind but since dailyphotoblogging has many rules about only a photos a day, write a short few lines, not posting too early etc, i think writing them down here would be better.

i still haven't found that good blogging site so far:( anyway let me give this a try...

my concern is the kind of audience who responds to my blog posts. i encourage free speech, but sometimes i dun like people who start a fight or quarrel even ONLINE. So basically this is the only ''criteria''.


Mountainboy said...

Hey Z,
thanks for saying hello on my blog.

Love Singapore blog, fantastic photos, I will try to learn from you I think.

Zannnie said...

Hello Mountainboy,

there are several interesting dp bloggers that you must look at their sites

Greece, Athens
those countries with multibloggers

Thanks for checking mine:)


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