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Slovenia VS Estonia

2:36 AM
slovenia VS estonia , originally uploaded by zannnielim . This is a very interesting comparison, just random but it says here that the t...


8:59 AM
Houses in Tallinn , originally uploaded by zannnielim . The ambience of Tallinn is a special one, hard to express in words this mixed of ...

Monkey Juice...

8:23 AM
Monkey Juice... , originally uploaded by Funky Slug . – Watch thousands of micro-lectures on topics ranging from history and...


6:56 AM
Snow outside our window on 15th January 2021 | Winter 2020, H will be 8 years old. We will be a few steps into our 50s. There is an ai...

Coffee and Breastfeeding

6:36 PM
To drink coffee or not? Breastfeeding your baby is a period of at least six months and for some babies, up to one or two years. Drinking ...


6:12 PM
Meant to collect all the creative works in the world. If you see something done in your country or city that is worth recommending, do ...

Fwd: Brussels train

3:10 PM
Arrived in Brussels and we tried the metro system as well. This time, traveling with a baby, it means we are with a baby buggy, one backpa...

Countdown to Christmas

10:36 PM
How do you normally celebrate christmas? I am not a Christian, but I love the moods around this season! I think it starts from the first day...

What's Your Taste?

10:16 PM
Combination of  salad vegetables , meat, cheese, and a variety of sauces or savoury  spreads . The bread can be used as it is, or it can be ...

Inner Worlds of Girls

9:41 PM
A Girl and Her Room: Portraits of Teenage Girls' Inner Worlds Through Their Bedroom Interiors | Brain Pickings Both visually stunning an...

Pee Boy, Brussels

9:26 PM
It is just a small corner, not really happening, but it seemed too hyped up! Entire street area towards it is so touristy!
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