Theme Day Search


write in to a chinese magazine publishing house in Singapore. I seeked for a PenPal. But wooh...., since my first two liner 'ad' was published, my mailbox was FLOODED with so many mails for months --of letters from potentials who are my 'willing penpal' if i would just write to them with their replying address.

Soon after, and for about five years, I had been writing IN Chinese *winked*;) to this guy who was 2 years older than me. He was from the best high school in Singapore and the best Junior College (Chinese High School and Hwa Chong JC). You can imagine how powerful is his command of Chinese! :)

And guess what? My chinese did really improved -- A LOT all because of him!:) I was so soo him for he helped me to overcome my Chinese learning.

He will always signed off his name as ''SKY''. This is his real name: Sim Kwang Yee. Even after he was enlisted into the army, we were still corresponding. He was the only guy in my life who told me about the singaporean 'army life'. Then the last I remembered was he got married, then years later I dunno how we lost touch - Today it is still a mystery how we stopped correspondence...

This is rather like a 'Search for an old friend' post and I am taking this Theme Day opportunity to tell you my little story. My gut feel is he could be overseas now and perhaps one of you MIGHT know a guy with this name;) If so please tell me:)

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Meg said...

Lovely story. Thanks for sharing.

Zannnie said...

hi meg nakgawa,

:) Thanks for leaving your 'finger'prints...;)

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